Sunday, March 27, 2011

I Heart Faces Challenge - Slice of Life

Whatever you call it--candid, photojournalistic, lifestyle photography--I've always been drawn to it. I don't like fake-looking props or frozen say-cheese smiles. Maybe it's the writer in me, but I want a photo to tell a story. I want a photo to look like I pressed the PAUSE button on life, freezing a moment in time.

For this week's I Heart Faces Challenge, I chose a photo of my sweet daughter. It seems she might be taking after her writer Momma. There's just something about her intensity when she gets a pen or crayon in her hand that takes me back to those first days when my own obsession began to take shape. Perhaps, one day, I will have the pleasure of reading her stories.

I Heart Faces - Photography Challenges and Photo Tutorials


  1. her look of pure fascination.

  2. So cute. She's doing a really good job holding that crayon like a big girl!

  3. Love it...the writer-in-training! :)
